September 5 ACV Chapter Meeting to be Held via WebEx
The September 5 chapter meeting will be held via WebEx at 7:00 p.m. The event has been posted on Arbiter along with the necessary login information. Login information can also be accessed via the ACV website calendar. Please contact your at-large representative if you need assistance with the log-in details. Minutes from the August 5 Chapter meeting are now posted on the ACV website: http://www.austinvolleyballofficials.com/chapter-news/.
Assigning Fees Due
Please note that the due date for the first round of assigning fees is September 5. All payments are due to Janiece Nelson. Payments may be made via check, credit card ($2 handling fee), Venmo or Arbiter Pay. If using Arbiter Pay, contact Janiece for directions. Please reference the 2018 Match Assigning Fees Schedule, found on the ACV website under Member Information, for other important information and future due dates.
Important Information from AISD Athletic Office
In an email from Irene Fabian, AISD Athletic Office, “I have attached a FAQ sheet that should answer official’s questions about seeing who has paid and how much they paid. This was sent to me by Zane Zientek, Program Director for EPIC Contest Solutions. Official’s receive a 1099 through ArbiterPay if they make over $600 combined through ArbiterPay. If Austin ISD pays an official $400 and that same officials goes and works at Regents and makes $202, that official will receive a 1099 when they become available. Please share with your officials.” For your convenience, the FAQ sheet referenced in the email is now posted as an announcement on Arbiter as well as on the Arbiter Pay Tab. It is titled “Epic Contest Solutions FAQ”.
Message from Assigning Secretary
Matches are being published a month out. There is a 7-day acceptance period before the assignment is sent back as a decline and an automatic block is set for the entire day. Please review all decline/non-acceptance fees found on the Stated Policies page at http://www.austinvolleyballofficials.com/member-information/ under the ByLaws and Policies tab.
Middle school matches are in full swing. Please use the self-assign tab on Arbiter and make your choices. Otherwise, middle school matches are assigned within 2 weeks of the match. If you need assistance, please contact Janiece. Please remember that you will need to use a little bit (or maybe a lot) of patience when dealing with this level of volleyball. You may encounter that reading teacher who just was notified a few days before school started that she is now in charge of the volleyball team. Smile!
Bylaws Discussion Meetings Scheduled
As mentioned in an email dated August 12, three WebEx meetings regarding the proposed Bylaw changes are scheduled as follows:
· Wednesday, August 29 @ 7:00 p.m.: Discussions on Articles I-VI
· Wednesday, September 12 @ 7:00 p.m.: Discussion on Articles VII-XIII
· Wednesday, October 10 @ 7:00 p.m.: Open Discussion
The login details are available in the Google Calendar on the ACV website. These events have also been posted on Arbiter. If you are unable to attend the meetings and have questions or suggestions, please email Kevin Carlyle. Please reference the email for additional information.
Ask The Trainer!
Are you in doubt about a rule? Did you make a call and then wondered if it was correct? Send in rule questions or case scenarios to the ACV Trainer, Christle Miersma. We can pick some of them to discuss at the next chapter meeting.
Special Thanks from Bonnie Caddell
A huge Thank You to the Board and members for the special recognition given me at our opening meeting. While I did expect the 30 Years of Service Award, because after all, it has been 30 YEARS, I did not have any idea that anything else was in the works. I can’t adequately express the depth of my appreciation for David’s comments and the amazing feeling of joy during the standing “O”, so I will just say Thank You to each of you for your love and friendship. You hold a very special place in my heart. Bonnie
ACV Chapter Meeting Scheduled for October 3rd to be Held via WebEx
The October 3rd chapter meeting will be held via WebEx at 7:00 p.m. The event will be posted on Arbiter along with the necessary login information. Login information can also be accessed via the ACV website calendar. The due date for the second round of assigning fees is also October 3rd.
Have you taken the time to review the training information posted on the ACV Website?
Check it out under Member Information, then Training!