Issue 9
First Chapter Meeting Scheduled for Wednesday, August 1
Ready to enjoy some fajitas to kick off the 2018 volleyball season? Then, please attend the first ACV meeting of the season on Wednesday, August 1. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. with the buffet line starting at 6:15 p.m. Please be sure to RSVP to this event via Arbiter by Thursday, July 26 so that we can get an accurate meal count. The meeting will be held at the Austin Police Association Union Hall, located at 5817 Wilcab Drive in Austin. The business portion of the meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Everyone who attends will be included in door prize drawings.
Member Rewards
The member rewards will be available at the Kick-Off meeting on August 1st. If you are unable to attend, you will need to make other arrangements to pick up your items. The best option would be to contact another member who will be at the meeting and let your At-Large Rep know in advance who will be picking up your item. After the meeting, the items not collected will be with the appropriate At-Large Rep.
TASO Conflict of Interest Policy
At this year’s State meeting, Mike Fitch stressed that all officials should read the TASO Conflict of Interest Policy. It can be found on the TASO website: In fact, Mr. Fitch further added, “You cannot be a Facebook friend with a coach and also officiate for that coach. That is a conflict of interest.” Each official is responsible for knowing and following the policy. If you have conflicts of interest, you should be blocking the school on Arbiter. If you have questions about the policy, please contact TASO directly. It would not hurt to read the Social Media Policy as well. Speaking of social media, TASO now has a Facebook page.
TASO Test Now Open!
Officials must complete both the TASO Rules Test and a Rules Clinic prior to officiating a match. The test is a mandatory TASO requirement and cannot be waived for any reason. It is not required to complete the clinic prior to taking the test. You must make at least a 90 on the test in order to be eligible for Varsity level matches and playoffs. You can have 5 attempts to do so.
Online Registration for TASO Regional Volleyball Clinics Now Available
If you plan to attend a Regional Clinic, the nearest one will be held in San Antonio on Sunday, July 29. Remember that the fee for the rules clinic was included in your TASO membership registration. Nevertheless, you must pre-register for the clinic in advance or you will be charged $10 for registering as a walk up at the clinic. Deadline is Thursday, July 26. TASO sent information on the On-Line Clinic in an email dated July 25.
Important Message from Assigning Secretary
Rule books are now available. Bonnie Caddell will have a limited number of rules books at the San Antonio clinic for those who plan to attend. Please contact Janiece Nelson to pick up your books or she will have them available at the August 1st meeting. Janiece is busy scheduling matches/tournaments. Please note that none will be published until after August 1st. In the meantime, you can see pending matches by going to the calendar in Arbiter under the block column.
Communication – Very Important
Each official has a responsibility to communicate with the Assigning Secretary and their At-Large Representatives for any scheduling or meeting/training conflicts. Please be conscientious in responding to emails.
More WebEx Training Available
Need a refresher on line-up cards, scorekeeping, and libero tracking before the season begins? You are in luck. Please mark your calendar for the following dates:
· Scorekeeping & Libero Tracking on Thursday, August 2 at 7:00 p.m.
· Line-Up Cards WebEx on Sunday, August 5 at 7:00 p.m.
Login information can be accessed via the website calendar. These training sessions are not a mandatory requirement.
September 5 ACV Chapter Meeting to be Held via WebEx
The September 5 chapter meeting will be held via WebEx. The event will be posted on Arbiter along with the necessary login information. Login information can also be accessed via the ACV website calendar. The due date for the first round of assigning fees is also September 5.
Remember someone is always watching you and possibly videoing you! Act and be professional.
Comments at the State Meeting from Mike Fitch about professionalism.