October 3 ACV Chapter Meeting to be Held via WebEx
The October 3 chapter meeting will be held via WebEx at 7:00 p.m. The event will be posted on Arbiter along with the necessary login information. In addition to accessing the login information via the ACV website calendar, a notification bar is available on the ACV website for your convenience. It is within the black banner at the top of each page, which begins, “Click Here to Join the Meeting.” Please contact your at-large representative if you need assistance with the log-in details. Minutes from the September 5 chapter meeting are now posted on the ACV website: http://www.austinvolleyballofficials.com/chapter-news/.
Nominations Now Open
Nominations are now open for the following board positions: Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Assigning Secretary, and At-Large Representative #2. If you are interested in running for any of these positions or would like to nominate someone, please contact Philip Franco. His email address is pfreflife@aol.com. A list of those nominated will be posted to the ACV Website under the tab, “Election Nominations”. As a reminder, elections will be held at the Year-End ACV Chapter Meeting on Wednesday, November 7.
Assigning Fees Due
Please note that the due date for the second round of assigning fees is October 3. All payments are due to Janiece Nelson. Payments may be made via check, credit card ($2 handling fee), Venmo or Arbiter Pay. If using Arbiter Pay, contact Janiece for directions. Please reference the 2018 Match Assigning Fees Schedule, found on the ACV website under Member Information, for other important information and future due dates.
Please Accept Assignments Timely
There is a seven (7)-day acceptance period from the time an assignment is posted on Arbiter. You should be receiving notification via email when new assignments are available. Please remember that there are decline/non-acceptance fees as per our Bylaws and Stated Policies. It is more proactive to update your availability on Arbiter so that assignments can be given to you according to your schedule rather than not accepting or declining.
Message from Assigning Secretary
The final week of the regular season will be published this week. Playoffs start the last week of October. There will still be middle school matches open for self-assignment into November.
Bylaws Discussion Meeting Scheduled
Thank you to those who participated in the Bylaws discussions on August 29 and September 12. There will be one final opportunity to learn about the current proposals. An open discussion is planned via WebEx on Wednesday, October 10 at 7:00 p.m. The login details are available in the Google Calendar on the ACV website. The event will also be posted on Arbiter. If you are unable to attend the meeting and have questions or suggestions, please email Kevin Carlyle.
Volunteers Still Needed for San Marcos Middle School Tournament on Saturday, October 6
Would you like to volunteer your time to officiate at a tournament for a worthy cause? Join a great group of ACV volunteers who will do just that, raising funds for breast cancer awareness. Volunteers are still needed to officiate on Saturday, October 6. Please contact the lead official, Larry Friedenberg at lrfriedenberg@yahoo.com.
Pink is the Color for October
October means that you can take out those pink whistles and flags to use during the entire month. Please note that many schools may have a “pink” night for breast cancer awareness during this month so please be flexible and patient.
Ask The Trainer!
Are you in doubt about a rule? Did you make a call and then wondered if it was right? Send in rule questions or case scenarios to the ACV Trainer, Christle Miersma. We can pick some of them to discuss at the next meeting. Also, please have your rule books handy for Wednesday's trainer section as we will be reviewing recent rule questions and scenarios.
Year-End ACV Chapter Meeting Scheduled for November 7 at Austin Police Association Union Hall
Please plan on attending the year-end ACV meeting, to enjoy a light meal and close out the 2018 volleyball season. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 7 at the Austin Police Association Union Hall, located at 5817 Wilcab Drive in Austin. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. with the business portion of the meeting scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. Everyone who attends will be included in door prize drawings.
Please keep in thoughts and prayers all of our officials and their families who have been impacted by any type of cancer. While October is breast cancer awareness month and occurs while all of us are together officiating volleyball, we know that any cancer diagnosis can have an effect on so many lives.