Proposed Amendment to Stated Policies

Proposed Amendment to Stated Policies
Presented by Janiece Nelson
August 2, 2017

As per the current ByLaws of Austin Chapter Volleyball:

Austin Chapter may be amended at any regular or called meeting by simple majority of the votes
cast of members present at the meeting. Notification of the proposed amendments shall have
been mailed, emailed, or posted on the chapter website and said amendments made available to
each voting member, at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which the vote is to be taken.
Amendments to the Stated Policies will take effect immediately upon approval.

CurrentStated Policy under E.4 Assigning Fees:

Invoices will be generated and available in Arbiter according to the schedule listed in the Chapter calendar. It is the member’s responsibility to view their invoices and the balance owed. Assigning fee payments will be considered late and the member assessed a late fee of $10 if the balance is not paid within twenty (20) days of each notification of fees owed. Additionally, members who are not current on their fees may have assignments withdrawn until the fees and fines are paid. This fee is paid directly to the Assigning Secretary. Upon
conclusion of the season, any outstanding assigning fees balances will be assessed an
additional late fee of $10 each month until the balance has been paid.

Proposed Change as Introduced on August 2, 2017 by Janiece Nelson:

Invoices will be generated and available in Arbiter according to the schedule listed in the Chapter calendar. It is the member’s responsibility to view their invoices and the balance owed. Assigning fee payments will be considered late and the member assessed a late fee of $10 if the balance is not paid within ten (10) days of the invoice being generated by Arbiter. Additionally, members who are not current on their fees may have assignments withdrawn until the fees and fines are paid. This fee is paid directly to the Assigning Secretary. Upon conclusion of the season, any outstanding assigning fees balances will be assessed an additional late fee of $10 each month until the balance has been paid.

Arguments for this proposal are as follows:
          Allows Assigning Secretary to not schedule delinquent members who have not paid fees;
          Allows Assigning Secretary to stay consistent with normal bill paying policies;
          Allows to proactively track delinquent fees sooner; possibly collecting the monies from
            the member instead of having the chapter pay for it.

The vote on this proposed amendment will take place at the Mid-Season Chapter Meeting
on Wednesday, September 6. Please note that any approved amendments to the Stated
Policies will take place immediately upon approval.