Newsletter 2017 #8

Austin Chapter Volleyball (ACV) Newsletter 2017
Issue 8

Nominations for Upcoming Election on November 8
The ACV board positions of President, Treasurer, At-Large Representative #1, and At-Large Representative #3 are up for election at the end-of-season chapter meeting on November 8. If you are interested in serving in one of these positions and would like to add your name to the nomination list, please contact the Election Committee Chair, Bob Block.

Attention: Officials with 3 Years or Less of Service
All officials with three years or less of service must attend the new member training scheduled for Wednesday, October 4 at the Austin Police Association Union Hall. The ACV Trainers will conduct a Q&A training session at 6:00 p.m. A brief chapter meeting will occur at 6:30 p.m. The ACV Trainers will then continue with an in-depth training on R2 responsibilities, ball handling, using correct pay sheets, and R1/R2 communication, to name a few. They are currently reviewing specific feedback received thus far this season from coaches and officials to fine-tune this training. Some of the coaches’ feedback may be read at the meeting, withholding names of course. If there are specific situations for which you want clarification, please email Harvey Madrigal and Christle Miersma by Sunday, October 1. This is the best opportunity to get your answers.

October 4 Training Meeting
The October 4 training meeting will be a good opportunity for all officials to fine-tune their mechanics before playoffs begin. This is the time to clarify rules and ensure that you are applying them correctly. For those officials with 4 years-plus experience, the October 4 meeting can also be used as a make-up for missing a mandatory ACV meeting on either August 2 or September 6. As a reminder, officials are required to communicate with their assigned at-large representative in advance if they have a conflict with a meeting. As per the 2017 Chapter Application, “It is my responsibility to explain noncompliance for any mandatory training/chapter meetings prior to the required dates.”

Message from the Assigning Secretary and Rules Interpreter
As per the Assigning Secretary, “We have had several coaches comment that officials are telling the teams that their uniforms are not solid-colored. Then, those same officials are letting the team play but stating that the next official may not let them play.” So, Christle Miersma checked in with Gloria Cox, the Rules Interpreter. This was her response, “As mentioned on a number of occasions, it is not our job to prevent little girls from playing volleyball. That being said, we should have numbers that we can read on the front and the back of the jersey and the libero should be in a contrasting uniform. We do not worry about compliance on the sub-varsity level. If the libero is not in a contrasting uniform, the referee can ask the coach to have the player change uniforms, if possible. If that is not possible and the referee can manage to see the libero, go with it. The referee should make every effort to make sure that the teams have a good experience.”

Keeping Your Cool with Middle School
Please be patient during those middle school matches. We know that the visiting team may arrive late so use the time to read your rule book or talk with your co-official. If you are working a match on your own, remember that you can move the referee stand to be closer to the coaches and the score table. Remember that you may be dealing with “coaches” who have no idea about volleyball or who are officiating for the first time. These coaches may also be coaching both the A and B team, dealing with many young ladies not to mention parents. So, please try to help them out as much as possible within reason.

Pink Whistles in October
October is breast cancer awareness month. Officials are encouraged to use pink whistles to show support for those battling breast cancer. Also, please keep in your thoughts and prayers those courageously dealing with any type of cancer.

Arbiter Updates
Please note that officials will NOT have to fill out a playoff availability form this year. All of that information was included on the Availability Sheet that officials submitted at the beginning of the season. Playoffs begin towards the latter part of October. It is very important for officials to keep Arbiter up to date since the Assigning Secretary will be using this as the primary tool for
playoff assignments. Please take time to revisit your availability to ensure that it reflects what you are able to do.

Assigning Fees
The next set of assigning fees will be generated on October 1. Payments will be due on October 4. With the recent change to the Stated Policies, payment will be considered late if not received or postmarked, by October 11. Please note that members who are not current on their fees may have assignments withdrawn until the fees and fines are paid.