Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 12
Rules Questions of the Week (Answers at the bottom)
1) A libero exchange occurs after the whistle and signal for serve. What’s your call?
2) A substitute runs into the sub zone and the R2 whistles and signals substitution. The coach pulls the substitute back and withdraws the request for substitution. What should the R2 do?
3) After #3 for Team A serves for points 13,14,15 and 16, then serves into the net giving Team B their 20th point. Prior to team B serving, it is discovered that #3 was the wrong server. What should the R2 do to correct this? What is the correction if it is discovered after Team B has served?
4) A JV team has jerseys that are non-compliant with the solid-color rule, but the libero has a clearly contrasting (also non-compliant with the solid-color rule) jersey. What action should the referees take?
5) A Varsity team has jerseys that are mostly white with 6 inch wide panels down the seams on the side that are gray. The libero has a completely solid-color red jersey. Is this considered compliant with the solid-color rule?
Arbiter Announcements
All members should check the Arbiter Announcements daily for any updates.
Word Version of Pay Sheet
A Word version of the UIL pay sheet has been posted to the website and is completely fillable – including match and mileage information. You will be prompted to download it when clicking on the button.
All assignments should be worked as scheduled (including tournament schedules), unless changes have been approved the Assigner/Tournament Leader. This includes R1/R2 assignments.
Per UIL rules, tournaments that are played best 2 out of 3 are played to 25 (all three sets capped at 30).
Non-Public School Mileage
All members should review the School Mileage Key in the forms section of the website. This form shows the proper pay sheets and mileage to use. This is particularly important when calling matches at non-public schools.
Deciding Sets to 15
District 25 5A voted to play the 3rd deciding set to 15pts on JV & 9th grade matches.Schools are Austin, Ann Richards,Crockett, Eastside,Lanier, McCallum, Reagan, Travis
Rules Questions of the Week Answers
1) A libero exchange that occurs after the whistle and signal for serve results in an out of alignment call and loss of rally point and serve to the opponent.
2) A withdrawn substitution that has been whistled and signaled should result in a yellow card delay warning. (If there was a previous delay warning in the same set, the result would be a red card delay penalty) The team is not required to substitute.
3) If a wrong server is discovered prior to the opponent’s serve, the result should be removal of all points scored by the incorrect server. No additional points should be awarded since the opponent has already received a point due to a loss of rally by the incorrect server. If the wrong server is discovered after the opponent has served, no removal of points should occur. The team with the incorrect server should be placed in the proper rotation.
4) There is no action necessary with sub-Varsity teams that are not in compliance with the solid-color jersey rule. The libero must still have a clearly contrasting uniform from the rest of the team.
5) Yes, only the team or the libero for Varsity teams must have a jersey that is compliant with the solid-color rule.