Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016

Issue 10


TASO Rules Test and Online Clinic

Per the letter from TASO regarding the TASO Rules Test and Online Clinic, the requirements for completion of the test and/or District Clinic prior to working any matches is currently suspended and on hold until the issues with the test and clinic are resolved. Please stay tuned for further details.

TASO Test Score Visibility

Here are directions for checking your test score - While signed in on the TASO site, at the top of the page is desktop, send message, edit account, sports data tabs. Click on sports data and you can see all of your 2016 information including exam score. I have had reports of the scores not showing, so I will also be sending periodic emails with your test score in case you can’t view it. If possible, when you complete your test and see your score, you should get a screen shot in case there is an issue with your score being recorded. There is no need to send that to Kevin unless requested.

New Logo Required

Remember that when you start working regular matches on Monday, only the new Logo (Red, White and Blue) shirts are authorized. You are considered out of uniform is you are in the old black logo.

2016 Pay Sheets

2016 Pay Sheets with the updated mileage rate are available under forms and documents on the chapter website and in the forms section on Arbiter. These are “fillable” for everything except the specific match amounts and mileage.

School Mileage Key

The School Mileage Key has been posted under forms and documents. You can go here to determine if you need a UIL or TAPPs Pay Sheet. This form also shows each school listed under its appropriate school district – in case you need to contact the District about a pay issue.

Website is Mobile Friendly

Thanks to Ian Evins for all of his work on updating our new website and making it user friendly. Take a minute and check it out from your tablet or smartphone and see how well the mobile version works. If you are missing something from the old site, fill out the form on the Contact Us page and he will take a look at it.