Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 5
Scrimmages – August 5 th and 6 th
Please remember that all members are expected to be available for a minimum of 3 hours of scrimmages. In addition to the obvious training and refreshing opportunities scrimmages offer us, they are also a significant source of chapter funds. If you are not going to be able to attend, you need to contact Harvey Madrigal, one of our trainers, now to make alternative arrangements to fulfill your annual training requirements. Contact Harvey at .
Summer League Training/Evaluations
For those members who are interested in being evaluated and receiving feedback from our trainers, summer leagues are now under way. If you want feedback on how to improve, work higher level matches, or just want to get out and blow your whistle, contact Harvey at or Christle at for available times and locations.
Returning Member Training – Action Needed
All members who officiated in 2015 must attend either the training on June 18 th or the training that follows the District Clinic on July 9 th . Notifications were sent via Arbiter. If you have not already done so, please access your schedule in Arbiter and accept one of these training sessions. Note that you may have to change the drop down boxes for “Date”, “Group” and “Include” to “All” in order to see these events. You are welcome to attend both, but if you only plan to attend one, please accept the one you will attend and decline the other. Note: If you plan to attend the Returning Member training on July 9th, but are not attending the District Clinic – the 12:30 start time is tentative based on the actual end time of the District Clinic. It will start approximately 1 hour after the conclusion of the District Clinic to allow for lunch.
Off-Season Test – For all members who officiated in 2015
The Austin Chapter Off-season test is now available. The deadline for completion has been extended to June 5 th . The test is located on the TASO site at After you log in, you will see the tests under My TASO Links. Note that you have 3 chances to complete the test. The goal is to score a 100. It is open book based on last season’s rule book and case book. While the goal is a score of 100, due to the limited time left to complete the test, a score of 90 or above is acceptable. A score of 100 does not exempt you from any training this season.
New Website
Please update your favorites to reflect our new website address – Our new website administrator, Ian Evins, has been hard at work making the transition…with more changes and updates to come. If there is something you are missing from the old site, contact Kevin.
At-Large Reps
We have realigned the At-Large Reps for a more equal distribution of the membership. Remember that they are your first point of contact with any questions or concerns you may have.
A thru G – Rhiannon Stracener (
H thru N – Katherine Bratton (
O thru Z – Gilbert Mokry (
Officiate Texas Day
On Saturday, July 30 th , Officiate Texas Day will be held in San Antonio in conjunction with the NASO Summit. Attendance at Officiate Texas Day will fulfill your annual requirement for attendance at the State Meeting or a District Clinic. The cost is only $35 and will include National speakers and more. Registration is now open on the TASO website. If you plan to attend Officiate Texas and our District Clinic, you should register and pay for Officiate Texas Day.
While it may seem early, you can enter your availability now for the upcoming season. You will be able to make changes to your availability as needed, until assignments are published late in July.
FYE 2016 Budget
A copy of the 2016 Chapter Budget is available in the Forms section of Arbiter for all active members to access. Please contact your at-large rep with any questions or concerns.