Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 19
Final Meeting of the Season
Please accept or decline the Event in Arbiter for the meeting so that we get a good head count for ordering the appropriate amount of food from the Olive Garden.
Note the important issues and elections noted below and make your plans to attend.
The final meeting of the season will be Wednesday, November 9th at the Austin Police Union Hall. Food will be served beginning at 6:00PM. The meeting will begin at 6:30PM.
Board Position Nominations
Here are the current nominations for the open positions: Remember that the final day for nominations that will appear on the ballot is Saturday, November 5th.
Vice-President – Christle Miersma Linda Polley
Assigning Secretary – Harvey Madrigal Ronnie Kaase Craig Smith Janiece Nelson Charlie Tamez
Recording Secretary – No current nominations
At-Large Rep – Chez Slaton
Proposed Changes to the By-laws
Additional By-laws Proposals have been posted to the Chapter website since yesterday evening.
There are proposals from the By-laws Committee, the Audit Committee and David Plaisance. Please review these before the meeting on November 9th.