Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016 Issue 17 10/21/2016

CORRECTION: USAV Volleyball Clinics

Note that the start time for the clinic on October 30th was incorrect in the last newsletter – the correct start time is 1:00PM

The USAV season is right around the corner. Want to earn some extra money officiating volleyball this spring? Want to get more reps to become a better referee? There are several clinics being conducted in the Austin area soon. If you are interested, there is more information available at Click on Officials Clinic and Info and then on Paid Ref Tournaments for all the information you need to get started officiating USAV. If you have not officiated USAV in the past, the best clinic to attend is scheduled for October 30th at the Austin Sports Center in Cedar Park from 1:00-4PM. The contact for that clinic is David Plaisance at

If you are unavailable for that clinic, others that are available are listed under the Officials Clinics and Info Page.

October 23rd at Austin Sports Center South from 8-11:30AM followed by ratings until 1PM. Contact is Kevin Carlyle at

November 13th at Westlake Athletic and Community Center from 11AM-2:30PM. Contact is Craig Smith at

December 3rd at Austin Sports Center South from 9AM-12:30PM followed by ratings from 12:30-2PM. Contact is Ronnie Kaase at

December 3rd at the PAC in Leander from 4-7:30PM. Contact is Joe Lizama at

December 3rd at Comfort Suites in Buda from 1:30-4:30PM. Contact is Charlie Tamez at


More Ranking Information

Some members have expressed concerns about their individual ranking that was recently communicated. This was not unanticipated. Communicating rankings is one of many areas the board is trying to address regarding transparency concerns raised by a few members. As was noted in the ranking release, there is no specific ranking required to work certain levels of matches. It is one of the components used when assigning matches. It should go without saying that we as a chapter, and the schools we serve, want the best officials working all our matches.


Rankings help the assigner ensure we meet that objective. Some officials are content to work only middle school or only sub varsity or only lines. Those matches are important to the participants and deserve the best possible official, so the board has consistently provided training opportunities to ensure all are aware of the current rules, techniques, and protocols. However, while an official may be current with all requirements, one’s ranking wouldn’t necessarily change unless they’re seen officiating higher level matches.


The board made the decision this past year to have two trainers rather than one so we would have more availability to evaluate officials and provide feedback. Many officials were evaluated this past season and the plans are to continue the evaluations to update and improve the accuracy of the rankings. If you feel that your ranking is significantly wrong, please contact your at-large rep so that a list can be generated of those who want their ranking reviewed.


Our last point is that these rankings are based solely on NFHS play. While you do not have to call USAV, NCAA, or NAIA, officiating these matches allows you to be seen which leads to opportunities to officiate higher levels of NFHS which can lead to a higher ranking. There is no question that the more one practices a craft after receiving feedback/instruction, the better one becomes. That said, the chapter has many highly ranked officials that only call NFHS.


From the President

I announced in the last meeting that I am trying to find out if Sunday, November 13th (12pm-3pm) would be better than Wednesday November 9th (6:30-8:30PM) for our end of the season meeting.  Below I have listed some pros and cons. 


Meeting was already scheduled for a Wednesday date

Too late to change

I already have plans that Sunday.

Sunday is my day to relax


No traffic

More time to discuss voting agenda

More time to discuss possible By-Law changes

Able to relax with members after the meeting.


Please complete the survey at to answer this question (A link has also been posted to the FAQ page on the chapter website):

Would you like to keep the meeting on Wednesday or move to Sunday?

Yes, Keep it on Wednesday

No, move it to Sunday


Either way your Board is okay with the decision, that is made by the members.

This questionnaire will end at midnight, Saturday, October 22nd due to time constraints.